Fulfil Your Bucket List with These 5 Essential Travel Tips
Lots of people say they’ll travel one day, but not all of them take the leap and actually set off. If you want to get going but don’t know where to start, a bucket list can help you focus and make plans. Follow these five tips and you’ll be travelling in no time! Think about where you actually want to go Lots of travel bucket lists are the same, or very similar. There’s a reason for this — destinations become popular because they’re fun and interesting to visit — but you don’t have to stick to tried-and-tested tourist spots if you’d rather go elsewhere. You might want a classic, romantic…
Forget the Bucket List [Reblogged]
This is an article I’m sharing from the blog of a wonderful couple, Brad & Mesi, whom I got to know while volunteering in Peru. It really resonated with me, because just a few weeks ago, I tried my hand at coming up with a bucket list, and I really wasn’t very happy with it because everything on my list seemed to either come from some Tripadvisor/Lonely Planet Top 10 compilation or was an aggregate of other people’s unfulfilled dreams and wishes. Most items involved oft-overhyped “must-see” tourist hotspots like “Have a picnic at the Eiffel Tower” that honestly proved to be rather uninspiring and underwhelming. So reading this was a really refreshing…